I'm doing research on "microscopic and macroscopic investigations of different materials using simulations based on the molecular and finite element methods toward sustainable energy and environment."
At the moment, my research is focused on simulating how graphene grows, the reaction of hydrocarbon molecules breaking apart on the surface of a metal, a microscopic look at how NiTi alloys behave, and the mechanical and thermal properties of metal alloys.
Please click the headers above for more information about me or contact me.
Book Chapter:
Ridwan, Rizal Arifin, Munaji. "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Rapid Solidification of NiTi Alloy under Various Pressure Amounts " Advances in Molecular Dynamics Simulations Research, Edited by: Steffen Köhler, Publication date: May 18, 2021 New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. link
Rizal Arifin, Fikrun Najib Muzakki, Yoyok Winardi, Ida Widaningrum, Zulkarnain, Abdurrouf, Norhasnidawani Johari, Vannajan Sanghiran Lee, and Darminto. "Investigation of Reaction Dynamics of Methane Reforming on Nickel Clusters Using Molecular Dynamics SImulations". Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 2025, 57, pp. 66-77,
Ridwan, Sudarno, Wahidin Nuriana, and Rizal Arifin. "Effect of Heating Rates on the NiAl Alloy Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation". Engineering Proceedings, 2025, 84(1), pp. 12,
Rizal Arifin, Yoyok Winardi, Zulkarnanin, Abdurrouf, Darminto, Norhasnidawani Johari, and Ali Selamat. "Reactive molecular simulations of catalytic methane decomposition on Ni(110) surface". Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2025, 48, pp. e202300445,
Alzais Safii, Yoyok Winardi, Sudarno, Desriyanti, Norhasnidawani Johari, Ali Selamat, and Rizal Arifin. "Atomistic Simulation of Temperature-Dependent Interfacial Diffusion between Solid Nickel and Liquid Aluminum". Proceeding Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part A, 2024, 61(4), pp. 331-337,
Yunata, E.E., Suaebah, E. & Arifin, R. "The oxygen plasma etching behavior onto diamond-like carbon coating for micro-texturing: Experimental and molecular dynamics study". MRS Communications, 2024, 14, pp. 686-692,
A J W T Nenohai, F M Santana, R Asih, R Arifin and Darminto. "Effect of N doping on Electronic Band Structure and Magnetic Moments in Graphene Sheets: Density Functional Theory Study". Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2024, 2780, pp. 012009,
A.D. Agustin, Retno Asih, Rizal Arifin, and Darminto. "Effect of Boron Substitution on Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Single-Layered Graphene Studied by Density Functional Theory Method". Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2024, 2780, pp. 012010,
Rizal Arifin, Zulkarnain, Abdurrouf, Yoyok Winardi, Didik Riyanto, and Darminto. "Enhanced production of hydrogen via catalytic methane decomposition on a Pt7-Ni (110) substrate: a reactive molecular dynamics investigation". Clean Energy, 2024, 8(2), pp. 168-176,
Didik Riyanto, Edy Kurniawan, Husein Muhammad Fras, Hanifha Nur Azizah, and Rizal Arifin. "Stability of graphene on the Si (111) surface: insights from reactive molecular dynamics simulations. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part A, 2023, 60(2), pp. 1-8,
Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro, Indah Puji Astuti, Wahna Widhianingrum, Rizal Arifin, Kuntang Winangun, and Ali Selamat. "Knowledge management system for handcrafted Reog Ponorogo products". The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 2023, 21(2), pp. 130-139,
Suk Wy Yap, Norhasnidawani Johari, Saiful Amri Mazlan, Syarifah Nur Aqida Syed Ahmad, Rizal Arifin, Noor Azlina Hassan, and Mohd Aidy Faizal Johari. "Superhydrophobic zinc oxide/epoxy coating prepared by a one-step approach for corrosion protection of carbon steel". Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 25, pp. 5751-5766,
Rizal Arifin and Darminto. "CH4 dehydrogenation and H2 formation on Pt (100) surface: an insight from the reactive molecular dynamics simulations". New Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 47(24), pp. 11444-11449,
Gus Nanang Syaifuddiin, Rizal Arifin, Desriyanti, Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro, Zulkham Umar Rosyidin, Ridwan Yudha Pratama, and Ali Selamat. "Hoax Identification of Indonesian Tweeters using Ensemble Classifier". J. Inf. Syst. Telecommun., 2023, 42(2), pp. 94-101,
Endhah Purwandari, Retno Asih, Rizal Arifin, Agus Subekti, and Darminto. "The study on structure and electronic property of amorphous carbon using density functional theory". AIP Conference Proceeding, 2023, 2604, pp. 020031(1-5),
Rizal Arifin, Apriliandy FS. Putra, Dadang Triawan, Dian RP. Setiawan, Yoyok Winardi, Wawan T. Putra, and Muhammad Malyadi. "Uniaxial loading of different (Ni)TiAl alloy compositions in the <100> direction: A molecular dynamics study". AIP Conference Proceeding, 2023, 2604, pp. 020029(1-7),
Rizal Arifin, Dian Rifka Puja Setiawan, Dadang Triawan, Apriliandy Fajar Syah Putra, Munaji, Yoyok Winardi, Wawan Trisnadi Putra, and Darminto. "Structural transformation of Ti-based alloys during tensile and compressive loading: an insight from molecular dynamics simulations". MRS Communications, 2023, 13, pp. 225-232,
Rizal Arifin, Gus Nanang Syaifuddiin, Desriyanti, Zulkham Umar Rosyidin and Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro. "A highly accurate internet-based fake information detection tool for Indonesian Twitter". Informatica, 2022, 46(9), pp. 25-30,
Rizal Arifin, Ali Selamat, Retno Asih, Darminto, Wawan Trisnadi Putra, and Muhammad Malyadi. "Density functional theory study of dissociative adsorption of H2 molecules on NiTi (001) surfaces". Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. N: J. Nanomater. Nanoeng. Nanosyst., 2022, pp. 1-5,
Rizal Arifin, Yoyok Winardi, Yoga Arob Wicaksono, Lucky Poriwikawa, Darminto, Ali Selamat, Wawan Trisnadi Putra, and Muhammad Malyadi. "Atomic diffusion at the Ni-Ti liquid interface using molecular dynamics simulations". Can. Metall. Q., 2022, pp. 1-7,
Wahyu Aditya Rohman, Rizal Arifin, and Yoyok Winardi. "Pengaruh kuat arus TIG Welding pada material SUS 304 terhadap kekuatan tarik dan struktur mikro". Komputek, 2021, 5(2), pp. 11-17,
Rizal Arifin, Fahmi Astuti, Malik Anjelh Baqiya, Yoyok Winardi, Yoga Arob Wicaksono, Darminto and Ali Selamat. "Structural Change of TiAl Alloy under Uniaxial Tension and Compression in the <001> Direction: A Molecular Dynamics Study". Metals, 2021, 11(11), pp. 1760,
Fahmi Astuti, Vera Laviara Maghfirohtuzzoimah, Sahara Hamas Intifadhah, Pelangi Az-Zahra, Rizal Arifin, Wantana Klysubun, Mochamad Zainuri and Darminto. "Local structure and electronic structure of LiFePO4 as a cathode for lithium-ion batteries". J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2021, 1951, pp. 012007,
Zahrotul Jannah, Retno Asih, Rizal Arifin and Darminto, "Study of Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Single Layered Graphene with Vacancy and (-OH) Adsorption by Density Functional Theory Calculation." J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2021, 1951, pp. 012011,
Maya Mahirotul Septya, Retno Asih, Rizal Arifin and Darminto. "Electronic and magnetic properties of single vacancy graphene with hydrogen adsorptions analyzed using density functional theory method." J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2021, 1951, pp. 012012,
La Ode Yusran, Retno Asih, Rizal Arifin and Darminto. "Effect of vacancy defects on electronic band structure and magnetic moment of single-layered graphene: a density functional theory study." J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2021, 1951, pp. 012013,
Fahrudin Kurniawan, Wawan Trisnadi Putra, Munaji Munaji, and Rizal Arifin. "Investigasi mekanisme korosi pada pipa pemanas udara di Pabrik Gula Pagotan Madiun." Turbo: Jurnal Program Studi Teknik Mesin, 2021, 10 (1), 23-36.
Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro, Rizal Arifin, Gus Nanang Syaifuddiin, Ali Selamat, Ondrej Krejcar , and Hamido Fujita. "The implementation of the machine learning algorithm for the sentiment analysis of Indonesia's 2019 presidential election." IIUM Engineering Journal, 2021, 22, 78–92.
Rizal Arifin, Zulkham Umar Rosyidin, Muhammad Malyadi, Edy Kurniawan, Khoirul Anam, Rical Cahya Ardhitamara, Doni Rhomadon, Muhammad Ega Pahlawi. "Design and implementation of water pump control system for rice field irrigation." J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2020, 1528, pp. 012002
Ida Widaningrum, Diyah Mustikasari, Rizal Arifin, H A Pratiwi. "Evaluation of the accuracy of winnowing, rabin karp and knuth morris pratt algorithms in plagiarism detection application." J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2020, 1517, pp. 012093
Rizal Arifin, Muhammad Malyadi, Munaji, Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro, Alif Mahendra Bagus Nurcahyo, Ridwan, Darminto, Norhasnidawani Johari, Ali Selamat. "Glassy NiTi produced with different cooling times: structural investigation using molecular dynamics simulations." Results in Physics, 2019, 15, pp 102545, DOI: 10.1016/j.rinp.2019.102545
Rizal Arifin, Muhammad Malyadi, Munaji, Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro, Darminto. "Pressure dependence of the structure of liquid NiTi: a molecular dynamics study." J. Phys.: Condens. Matter., 2019, Vol. 31, pp. 365401, DOI: 10.1088/1361-648X/ab25b4
Rizal Arifin, Muhammad Malyadi, Munaji, Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro, Darminto "Evaluation of melting behaviour of Nickel, Titanium, and NiTi alloy using EAM and MEAM type potential." J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 2019, Vol. 1171, pp. 012035, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1171/1/012035
Munaji, Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro, Agung Purniawan, Rizal Arifin "Molecular dynamics simulations of iron-joining using copper as a filler metal." Makara J. Sci., 2018, Vol. 22, pp. 137-141, DOI: 10.7454/mss.v22i3.8512
Munaji, Sudarno, Dian Laila Purwaningroom, Rizal Arifin. "Performance of EAM and MEAM potential for NiTi alloys: a comparative study." IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 2017, Vol. 180, pp. 012252, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/180/1/012252
Rizal Arifin, Munaji, Sudarno, Dian Laila Purwaningroom. "Local structures of glassy Al under various pressures: a molecular dynamics study." Malay. J. of App. Sci., 2016, Vol. 1, pp. 52-56, ISSN : 0127-9246
Rizal Arifin, Yasushi Shibuta, Kohei Shimamura, and Fuyuki Shimojo. "First principles molecular dynamics simulation of graphene growth on nickel (111) surface." IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 2016, Vol. 128, pp. 012032, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/128/1/012032
Kohei Shimamura, Yasushi Shibuta, Satoshi Ohmura, Rizal Arifin, and Fuyuki Shimojo. "Dissociation dynamics of ethylene molecules on a Ni cluster using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations." J. Phys.: Condens. Matter., 2016, Vol. 28, pp. 145001, doi:10.1088/0953-8984/28/14/145001
Rizal Arifin, Yasushi Shibuta, Kohei Shimamura, and Fuyuki Shimojo. "First principles calculation of CH4 decomposition on nickel (111) surface." Eur. Phys. J. B, 2015, Vol. 88, pp. 303, doi:10.1140/epjb/e2015-60557-7
Kohei Shimamura, Rizal Arifin, Tomoya Oguri, Yasushi Shibuta, Satoshi Ohmura, Fuyuki Shimojo, and Shu Yamaguchi. "Reaction of ethylene molecules with a nickel cluster: ab initio molecular dynamics study." Trans. Mater. Res. Soc. Japan, 2015, Vol 40, pp. 215-218, doi:10.14723/tmrsj.40.215
Yasushi Shibuta, Kohei Shimamura, Rizal Arifin, and Fuyuki Shimojo. "Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of ethanol decomposition on platinum cluster at initial stage of carbon nanotube growth." Chem. Phys. Lett., 2015, Vol. 636, pp. 110-116, doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2015.07.035
Rizal Arifin, Yasushi Shibuta, Kohei Shimamura, Fuyuki Shimojo, Shu Yamaguchi. "Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Ethylene Reaction on Nickel (111) Surface," J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, Vol. 119, No. 6, pp. 3210-3216, doi:10.1021/jp512148b
Yasushi Shibuta, Rizal Arifin, Kohei Shimamura, Tomoya Oguri,Fuyuki Shimojo, Shu Yamaguchi. "Low reactivity of methane on copper surface during graphene synthesis via CVD process: Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation." Chem. Phys. Lett., 2014, Vol. 610-611, pp. 33-38, doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2014.06.058
Yasushi Shibuta, Rizal Arifin, Kohei Shimamura, Tomoya Oguri,Fuyuki Shimojo, Shu Yamaguchi. "Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of dissociation of methane on nickel(111) surface: Unravelling initial stage of graphene growth via a CVD technique." Chem. Phys. Lett., 2013, Vol. 565, pp. 92-97, doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2013.02.038
N. Jakse, Rizal Arifin, and S.K. Lai. "Growth of graphene on 6H-SiC by molecular dynamics simulation." Condens. Matter Phys., 2011, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 43802:1-7, doi:10.5488/CMP.14.43802
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (Universiti Malaysia Pahang),
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (ACS Publications),
The Journal of Physical Chemistry (ACS Publications),
Computational Materials Science (Elsevier),
International Journal of Physical Sciences (Academic Journals),
Current Proteomics (Bentham Science Publishers),
Telkomnika (Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science),
Multitek Indonesia (Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo),
Makara Journal of Science (Universitas Indonesia),
Materials Today: Proceeding (Elsevier),
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (Elsevier,
Articles on public services activities:
Sufitri, Y., A. S. Janatin, L. Setiyani, A. Asmoro, Sumarwan, B. A. Saputra, S. M. Abdulloh, N. A. Ningrum, and R. Arifin. “Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Ngromo Melalui Program Perintisan Wirausaha, Pemanfaatan Lahan, Dan Peduli Lingkungan”. Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Vol. 5, no. 4, Aug. 2021, doi:10.31849/dinamisia.v5i4.6351
Alfiana, N., A. Wulandari, and R. Arifin. “Upaya Penguatan Ketahanan Masyarakat Desa Sirnoboyo Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19”. Jurnal Altifani Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, vol. 1, no. 2, Apr. 2021, pp. 149-55, doi:10.25008/altifani.v1i2.142
Professional activity:
Elsevier Advisory Panel (2019),
Scientific committe of 1st Borobudur International Conference on Applied Sciences and Engineering (Weblink)
Scientific committe of 2nd Borobudur International Conference on Science and Technology (Weblink)
Cooling Times Dependence on The Glassy NiTi at Extremely Low Temperature: A Result from Rapid Solidification Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations, The 4th International Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Application (ICAPMA) 2019, Grand Mercure Angkasa Hotel, 18-20 September 2019. The conference is organized by Universitas Negeri Medan and Physical Society of Indonesia. ProsidingJPCS.
Evaluation of Melting Behaviour of Nickel, Titanium, and NiTi Alloy using EAM and MEAM Type Potential, Seminar Nasional Fisika (SNF) 2018, Fakultas MIPA Universitas Negeri Surabaya August 11, 2018 Organized by Jurusan Fisika Universitas Negeri Surabaya Indonesia.
Performance of EAM and MEAM potential for NiTi alloys: a comparative study, Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC), Grand Tjokro Hotel November 18, 2016 Organized by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Munaji, Sudarno, Dian Laila Purwaningroom, and Rizal Arifin
Pengaruh Perbedaan Tekanan Selama Proses Pendinginan Terhadap Struktur Aluminium Padat, Seminar Nasional Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia VIII (SNKPK VIII), Department of Chemistry Sebelas Maret State University of Surakarta April 14, 2016
First Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Graphene Growth on Nickel (111) Surface, International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education (ICIEVE) 2015, Hemangini Hotel Bandung November 14, 2015 Organized by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Rizal Arifin, Yasushi Shibuta, Kohei Shimamura, and Fuyuki Shimojo
Ethylene Dehydrogenation on Nickel (111) Surface: ab initio Molecular Dynamics Study, Japanese Physical Society Spring Meeting (JPS 2015a), Waseda University Tokyo March 21, 2015, Rizal Arifin, Yasushi Shibuta, Kohei Shimamura, Fuyuki Shimojo, and Shu Yamaguchi
Ab initio molecular dynamics study of ethylene dehydrogenation on nickel (111) surface, The IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA) 2014, Oral Presentation, C7-O26-007, August 26, 2014, Rizal Arifin, Yasushi Shibuta, Kohei Shimamura, Tomoya Oguri, Fuyuki Shimojo, and Shu Yamaguchi
Ab initio study of methane dissociative adsorption on nickel (111) surface, 2nd International Symposium on Kumamoto Synchrotron Radiation: Young Scientist’s Day, Oral Presentation, May 16, 2014, Rizal Arifin, Yasushi Shibuta, Kohei Shimamura, Tomoya Oguri, Fuyuki Shimojo, and Shu Yamaguchi
Graphene Growth on Ni (111): ab initio molecular dynamics simulation, Fourteenth International Conference on the Science and Applications of Nanotubes (NT13), Poster presentation; June 24-28, 2013 in Dipoli Congress Center, Espoo, Finland, Organized by Aalto University; Rizal Arifin, Yasushi Shibuta, Kohei Shimamura, Fuyuki Shimojo, and Shu Yamaguchi
Reaction of Methane Molecule with Ni Surface: ab initio molecular dynamics simulation, Japanese Physical Society Spring Meeting (JPS 2013a), Hiroshima University March 26, 2013, Rizal Arifin, Yasushi Shibuta, Kohei Shimamura, Fuyuki Shimojo, and Shu Yamaguchi, proceeding