
Open position

We are open for motivated students (Undergraduate with their own funding) to work in molecular dynamics simulations of material domain.


Fisika Dasar II -- Physics for Scientists and Engineers II (MKKR04): First grade Engineering's students.

>>Main Reference: R.A. Serway and J.W. Jewett, Jr., Physics for Scientist and Engineers with Modern Physics, Brooks/Cole Chengage Learning USA

2015/2016 Odd Semester

Riset Operasi -- Operation Research (MWK53126): 5th grade Engineering's students.

>>Main Reference: W.L. Winston, Operations Research Applications and Algorithms, 4th Ed., 2004 Thomson Brooks/Cole USA

2015/2016 Even Semester

Metodologi Riset --Research Methodology: 3rd grade Informatics Engineering's students.

>>Main Reference: C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, 2nd rev. Ed., 2004 New Age International (P) Ltd.

>>Supporting Reference: S. Rajasekar, P. Philominathan, V. Chinnathambi, Research Methodology, 2013 arXiv:physics/0601009v3; weblink



1. Taufik Ahsani

Project Title :

2. Brian Suharisman

Project Title :

3. Evi Zulfa Aidha Putri

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